Elections Decentralized Autonomous Organization prototyping

Inara Koppert-Anisimova
Published in
3 min readJul 28, 2022


We read quite a lot about DAO popularization and new applications are popping up on a regular basis.

Next to the DeFi and financial organizations adoption there are multiple other applications — voting, fundraising, audit, social… And here I would like to introduce you to a voting prototype for any level of elections.

The core:

There are multiple reasons why Elections DAO is useful but the core reason is the Trust and anonymity! Raising mistrust between government and population, management and employees is the ground for BC seeds. Not a single vote can be miscalculated, lost or faked.

Voting will be as transparent as the water in the Alps! Every single transaction is recorded, verified and the whole structure is immutable. Elections DAO is non-profit DAO and funded by the interested in software participants.

Application Model:

As a non-profit and security demanding software, Elections DAO is proposed to be running on L2 chain, which provides a solution by enabling thousands of small-value transactions to be stored as one record on the main chain, thus keeping Layer 1 chains from growing too large and becoming too cumbersome. It will keep DAO costs from going too high and instead have a faster operational speed and scalability. Security and validation will be handled on L2 chain as well and here is why:

Generally, Layer 1 blockchain solutions have to rework their base layer protocol to facilitate better scalability. Layer 1 networks achieve scalability through introducing blocks in the chain network, alongside improving the speed for validating new blocks. Layer 2 protocols in blockchain help in avoiding problems emerging from changes in blockchain architecture. Layer 2 solutions are compliant with the primary blockchain layer, thereby avoiding any changes in the base layer or the underlying protocol.

One-member one-vote governance.

Vocdoni’s voting protocol is going to be used as a base with further customization for the Proof of Identity feature.

Each voter goes through basic Identity verification via a dedicated vault with direct encryption, which is then immediately flushed after the verification is done. After that the identity is going to be tokenized into a unique user ID, making voting fully anonymous. Users, who are citizens outside the voting areas wouldn’t be accepted for voting.

Economy: To incentivize and reward people for participation, MYR is the main coordination mechanism at Election DAO. Once the account goes through the verification an amount that is just enough for voting is assigned to the account automatically (approximately 10 MYR). After voting is closed and calculated, all accounts receive an equally distributed portion of MYR, which allows them to participate in other non-core minor voting, making voters decision-makers for their local communities and keeping the voting rates higher than in a traditional model. MYR is also a crypto coin, so people can get a small reward for voting.

Target Community: users living at the area of elections

Community Distribution and Partner Network: government organizations and institutions, local municipalities, DAO platforms, earning on gas fees and attracting new users.


  1. https://101blockchains.com/layer-2-protocols-blockchain/

2. https://www.ergonized.com/blog/what-is-a-dao-basic-theory-practical-application/#What_Is_a_Decentralized_Autonomous_Organization_and_How_Does_a_DAO_Work

3. https://www.computerworld.com/article/3516504/seattle-joins-list-of-cities-trying-out-mobile-voting.html

